esen + 1 (809) 533-4915
esen + 1 (809) 533-4915
julio 2020


IQPRO is an educational management software for colleges and schools created for better management and control of these institutions. It has a wide variety of functions that allow to extend learning, the communication of users with educational centers and the management of activities by teachers.
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Moodle is a learning management tool (LMS), or more specifically Learning Content Management (LCMS), designed to help teachers create online learning communities. Moodle is used in blended learning, distance education, Inverted class and various e-learning projects in schools, universities, offices and other sectors.
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The #NHOnlineSchool experience developed in the period of confinement, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, encourages us to continue more robustly with the virtual program, supported by the latest surveys applied to the New Horizons family, where 91% consider that the academic strategies have been successful and 88% are satisfied or very satisfied with the applications...
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