Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.
Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons, in response to the health situation of Covid-19, presents the experience of the #NHOnlineSchool program, expanded in the period of confinement, where distances do not represent a limit for education.
Through this modality, the school offers the opportunity to complete the academic program, both in person and online, as well as the set of electives and extracurricular activities of its regular offer.
New Horizons Online School will include an accompaniment program by the Department of Psychology and the academic area, facilitated through its educational management platform IQPro, linked to the Moodle platform.
Other learning tools that will be integrated into the program are MS Office 365 for Education, Cisco Webex, Apple for Education, One Drive,, Google Classroom, AP Classroom, Khan Academy, among others.